InTDS ArchivebyAlper CakirHow Things Work: Artificial Neural Networks“… to build a machine smarter than you, it has to be more complex than you — and the ability to understand the machine begins to slip…Dec 16, 2020Dec 16, 2020
InDataDrivenInvestorbyAlper CakirWind Turbines:Predicton of the CapacityApplying Linear Regression to Wind Turbines DataApr 3, 2020Apr 3, 2020
InTDS ArchivebyAlper CakirClassification of Sky Objects with Machine LearningClassification is one of the main kinds of projects you can face in the world of Data Science. Therefore, we have been tasked to execute a…May 19, 20202May 19, 20202
InTDS ArchivebyAlper CakirNLP: Classification & Recommendation ProjectA step by step NLP project with the arxiv dataJul 31, 2020Jul 31, 2020
InTDS ArchivebyAlper CakirHow Efficient is Machine Learning to Detect Exoplanets?“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.” Carl SaganOct 24, 2020Oct 24, 2020
InTDS ArchivebyAlper CakirDetecting Habitability of Exoplanets with Machine Learning“The universe is a pretty big place. If it’s just us, seems like an awful waste of space.” Carl SaganOct 28, 2020Oct 28, 2020
InAnalytics VidhyabyAlper CakirExploratory Data Analysis on Youtube StatisticsThis article is prepared to present the pieces of information about the data analysis that I did on youtube statistics. Firstly, you…Mar 4, 20201Mar 4, 20201